One of the pillars of the Althos is to positively impact the industry
to support our community of cyclists throughout the world.
A bike changed our lives and we believe bikes can change the world. We donate a percentage of our annual revenue to support the advocacy efforts of People for Bikes and IMBA, (The International Mountain Bike Association). Our commitment extends further supporting the efforts of many groups impacting their local communities and to supporting the noble efforts of those supporting our veterans.
Athlos is committed to our cycling community and you
to help change the world by wearing Athlos.

PeopleForBikes have spent more than $30 million to make bicycling better. They’ve invested $2.1 million in community cycling projects and leveraged more than $654 million in federal, state, and private funding. They contribute to national groups and programs like the Safe Routes to School National Partnership, ensuring safer places to ride. Through their advocacy efforts, federal investment in bicycling has quadrupled since we've been on the scene.

Since 1988, IMBA (International Mountain Bicycling Association) has supported mountain biking by encouraging low-impact riding, volunteer trail work participation, cooperation among different trail user groups, grassroots advocacy and innovative trail management solutions. IMBA is a powerful voice for trails, public land and management policies.
In addition to our advocacy efforts we are proud to support these great organizations
impacting the lives of local communities through cycling.
Ridebiker Alliance is building a massive alliance of like-minded cyclists to influence and change the sport and industry we love. Join Ridebiker Alliance to be part of a national cycling organization, network with other likeminded people, associate with pro riders and get great special offers on discounted products.
Sign up as an individual first — it's free! From there, you can stay unaffiliated or join a club by searching our affiliates and applying for membership... or start your own club!
Join Ridebiker Alliance and add your name to their list of passionate cyclists who wish to support cycling sustainability.