Cycling to Work: 4 Reasons to Use Your Bike for Daily Commute
If you are not convinced, we have put together 4 of the top reasons you should cycle to work and leave your gas guzzler at home.
The Health Benefits of Commuting Via Bike
With so many people remaining sedentary for the majority of the workday, it is important to get up and get your body in motion. Hours each day are spent behind a desk or computer screen with only a few minutes dedicated to walking around for lunch or grabbing a cup of coffee.
This can lead to muscle atrophy, heart problems, weight gain, and even diabetes if left unchecked. For many the thought of hitting the gym after a hard day at work is exhausting, but cycling to and from the office is a great way to get in your exercise.
Commuting to work on your bike will help you burn calories, in fact, you can burn the same amount of calories as you would jogging the same distance. Cycling is also easier on the joints so no matter what your current physical condition, you can benefit from the cardiovascular workout.
Cycling is also a great form of aerobic exercise. It will help increase your overall energy levels, lower your blood pressure, and build muscle at the same time. Biking also has the added benefit of improving coordination and fine motor skills which can help improve your response times at work and in your daily life.
The Environmental Benefits of Commuting Via Bike
The need to reduce one's carbon footprint is more important than ever. Carpooling and ridesharing have reduced some traffic on the road, but cycling can help even further.
A third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the US come from the transportation sector, which means that the more you drive, the hotter you make the planet.
Cycling to work will help reduce emissions and improve air quality in your local area. Not only will you help reduce emissions and improve air quality, but you will also help reduce the need for non-sustainable fossil fuels.
Wildlife and plant life will also benefit when they don’t have to work so hard against pollution just to thrive. Have you ever noticed how sparse shrubbery and trees seem to be next to the expressway? What about the number of birds and small wildlife in areas of high traffic?
While there is some intentional pruning near the roads, most often plants and animals simply have troubles living near massive amounts of noise and car fumes. By reducing the amount of time you spend driving by cycling instead, you are giving nature a fighting chance at survival.
The Financial Benefits of Commuting Via Bike
Considering the cost of gas and the rising expenses of everything else, most people are looking to save money where they can. Commuting to work on your bike is one of the most cost-effective ways to cut expenses from your budget. In 2016 alone the average cost for gas and oil in the US rounded out to just over $2,000 per household.
For many, the cost of owning a driving a car is almost or more than the cost of paying rent. Depending on where you live this price can even get much higher. That is not even accounting for the cost of car insurance, repairs, parking, and fines.
If you ditch the car and cycle to work instead, you can save an average of $10,000 dollars a year. You can put this in a savings fund or use it to pay down other bills, but no matter what, it won’t be wasted on a car. You can invest $700 to $1750 on a high-quality bike, cycling gear, and a good helmet.
The only thing you will have to pay in terms of upkeep is the occasional spare tire, lock, and cycling lights. Not only will you be saving money in the long run, but you will also be getting fit in the process.

The Social Benefits of Commuting Via Bike
Cycling is not only great for the environment and your physical health, but it is also a great way to have fun. Riding a bike can help to reduce stress and get your blood flowing which increases serotonin.
Aside from biking to work, you can get together with your friends after you clock out and make it a group sport. Race away from the worries of the day as you pedal your way to peace. Biking on your own will give you time to enjoy nature and settle your mind. Biking with friends can take a simple activity and turn it into a hobby.
You never know, as you get used to biking with your friends you may end up joining weekend races or marathons to expand on your cycling hobby.
Cycling to and from work will also make you happier. Think about how frustrated you get when you are stuck in rush hour traffic. Often, that frustration is taken out on those at work or the family at the end of the day. Biking lets you bypass the hassle of rush hour commute and also gives you time to yourself to meditate and reflect on the things that matter most to you. This will help improve your sleep, reduce stress, and improve your mood. When you are in a better mood, chances are you will be more social which is beneficial for everyone around you.